

I’m now a manuscript editor at Darling Axe and Tessera Editorial! I will be opening for developmental editing, line editing, proofreading, and copyediting horror, romance, YA, science fiction and fantasy novellas, novels, and short story collections on June 1, 2024. If you’d like me to take a look at shorter fiction, non-fiction, or articles or essays, please query first.

NOTE: Due to the rising costs of…well, everything…I’ve had to raise my prices. Please see the update prices below.


My editing experience comes from training with Tessera Editorial, 10 years of writing and workshopping speculative fiction (some of which was at the Clarion Writers Workshop), 3 years as a Submissions Editor for Uncanny Magazine, and 2 years of journalism desk work. As such, although my critique is all-around, you can expect an eye toward story structure, character interaction, and phrasing nuance and concision. 


Please indicate which of the following you’d like me to provide. The prices below are base rates and may change depending on a number of factors such as whether or not you’d like me to do a rush job or the ‘doneness’ of a manuscript:

  • Critique – A general overview of what works and doesn’t work in your story.
  • Proofreading – Can’t get the hang of tenses? Forgot a word? Missed a typo? Do you need consistency in how you’ve written certain words? I can fix it for you.
  • Copyediting – In addition to everything in proofreading, I will create a style sheet and story bible for you. I’ll also point out any inconsistensies, from minor logistical details to major plot points.
  • Line edits – I’ll edit your story line by line so that each line is in harmony with the other.
  • Structural edits – If you feel like your story isn’t quite hanging together, I can find out where to patch it up for seamlessness.
  • Sensitivity reads – If you’d like to write a character or culture that isn’t yours with respect, I can point out what you did well and what you can do better with your female, Filipino, chronically ill or mentally ill (depression/anxiety/PTSD), and/or brown characters.
  • Translation – I am fluent in English and Tagalog, so I can help you translate some dialogue with accuracy.
ServicePrice (USD)Description
Critique (full)$350A general overview of what works and doesn’t work in your story. Use this for full-length works of 50,000 words and above.
Critique (partial)$250A general overview of what works and doesn’t work in your story. Use this for full-length works of below 50,000 words.
Proofreading/Copyediting$0.02/wordI check the spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, and other language technicals in your work.
Line Edit$0.22/wordI edit each line of your work for consistency, tone, cadence. I may also spot some narrative inconsistencies. [Inquire if you’d like to combine this with a Developmental Edit]
Developmental Edit$0.18/wordThis is different from the critique in that I will be more in-depth in terms of comments and edits on a story level. [Inquire if you’d like to combine this with a Line Edit]
Sensitivity Read$70 flat (short stories)
$0.0075/word (novels, novellas, short story collections)
I can read for sensitivity/authenticity along the following marginalizations/identities:
* Female
* Filipino
* Asian
* Brown skin
* Depression
* Synesthesia
TranslationPlease inquireFor English to Tagalog or Tagalog to English.


For Filipino writers based in the Philippines, I have a separate table of fees and take payment via BPI/GCash/PayPal. Please drop me a line to inquire.

For international writers, it is a must that you have a PayPal or Wise account.

There is a non-negotiable down payment of 50% at the beginning of the project.


  1. Email me your story as an attachment with “[QUERY]” in the subject line. Please also state your story’s genre and the word count and page count in the body of the email. Note: Stories copy pasted in the body of the email and inquiries regarding this service without “[QUERY]” in the subject line will go unanswered.
  2. I’ll acknowledge your email and assess your story (initial reading, how long I’ll take to complete the work). It may take 7 to 10 days for me to assess. After that, I’ll reply with my projected time and then the real work can start.
  3. You’ll also receive a contract that from me that you must sign and date and send back to me.
  4. The day after I’m paid the 50% down payment is the day I’ll start logging my hours.
  5. I will show you my progress at a schedule we will discuss beforehand. However, in order to receive the full edited manuscript, you must have paid me the second half of the full payment first.


  1. The copyright of the work belongs solely to you, the original author.
  2. My editing your manuscript does not guarantee representation or publication.


Interested? Drop me a line at hello@vidacruz.org with “[QUERY]” in the subject line so that I can identify that this is about the editing service.